LEVEL UP™ MINDSET is a strategic month by month plan to level up your mindset.
(This is a plan for those who have completed Month 3)
L.E.T.S.G.R.O.W.B.A.B.Y. = monthly topics: Listen, Environment, Time, Subconscious, Gratitude, Relationships, Organization, Work, Belief, Ask, Boundaries, Yield.
The topic of Month 4 is SUBCONSCIOUS:
So what is the subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is also called the “unconscious.”It is operating constantly, but not in our focused awareness. Our feelings, thoughts, urges and memories all come from the subconscious. Personal development teacher Brian Tracy calls it a “memory bank.” That memory bank stores all of our past experiences and computes them so quickly in any given instance, that we often don’t understand why we are reacting to something the way that we are.
The plan includes weekly challenges!