Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4
Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4
Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4
Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4
Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4

Level Up™ Training & Nutrition - Month 4

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1. LEVEL UP™ TRAINING is a systematic way to train, focusing on a specific topic every month.

(This is a plan for those who have completed Month 3)

Flexibility, Stability, Strength, Endurance, Hypertrophy, Speed, Power, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Reaction Time, Level Up Test.

The topic of Month 4 is ENDURANCE:

This month we are progressing in our training journey and will be focusing on increasing your endurance. Your task this month is to run a marathon. Haha, just kidding. ;) You will, however, be increasing both your cardiovascular endurance and your muscular endurance. Last month we focused on the strength stimulus in your resistance training workouts. That meant lower reps, heavy weights. Muscular endurance is essentially the opposite.

This plan includes a home friendly and a gym (advanced) version, demo video exercises & fillable PDF to track progress!

Here's the equipment you will need: dumbbells, kettlebells, slides (or a towel), medicine ball

2. LEVEL UP™ NUTRITION is a strategic month by month process to level up your nutrition.

The topic of Month 4 is SELF DEFEATING PATTERNS:

The more we calorically restrict, the higher ghrelin, our hunger hormone, goes. On top of it, if you have developed a restrictive mindset around food, and especially if you have demonized certain foods as “bad,” the rebel inner child within us will want to prove that we can, in fact, have what we want. An overly restrictive mindset around food leads to disordered eating patterns including binging and purging - and even if you don’t throw up, purging can also come in the form of over-exercising and prolonged fasting. Instead of looking at food in this way, it’s imperative to look at food for what it is: nourishment.

This plan will help you calculate your own calories & macros to adapt the program to meet your specific needs!