Level Up™ Mindset - Month 11
Level Up™ Mindset - Month 11

Level Up™ Mindset - Month 11

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LEVEL UP™ MINDSET is a strategic month by month plan to level up your mindset.

(This is a plan for those who have completed Month 10)

L.E.T.S.G.R.O.W.B.A.B.Y. = monthly topics: Listen, Environment, Time, Subconscious, Gratitude, Relationships, Organization, Work, Belief, Ask, Boundaries, Yield.

The topic of Month 11 is BOUNDARIES:

Knowing what your Preferences, Desires, Limits and Dealbreakers, are and being able to communicate them clearly and concisely with anyone, in the 4 key areas of your life, otherwise called The 4 Peaks in my Higher Coaching: Personal / Physical / Professional / People.

The plan includes weekly challenges!