Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8
Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8
Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8
Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8
Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8

Level Up™ Training & Mindset - Month 8

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(This is a plan for those who have completed Month 7)

Flexibility, Stability, Strength, Endurance, Hypertrophy, Speed, Power, Agility, Balance, Coordination, Reaction Time, Level Up Test.

The topic of Month 8 is AGILITY:

Agility in sports is defined as “a rapid whole-body movement with change of velocity or direction in response to a stimulus.” Agility requires quickness, strength, balance and coordination. We are working on balance next month, so take note and notice if balance is holding you back on your agility this month. Even if your balance is good already, it’s an important functional aspect of training to incorporate from time to time, because it’s one of those “use it or lose it” aspects of the human body. So is quickness. So is strength. So is coordination. So is agility. That is why we are hitting all of these specific aspects of training- so you can maintain the athleticism within you that is yours if you just train for it.

This plan includes a home friendly and a gym (advanced) version, demo video exercises & fillable PDF to track progress!

Here's the equipment you will need: dumbbells, kettlebells, drills ladder or cones, jump rope, box, pull-up assist or superband, Swiss ball.


2. LEVEL UP™ MINDSET is a strategic month by month plan to level up your mindset.

L.E.T.S.G.R.O.W.B.A.B.Y. = monthly topics: Listen, Environment, Time, Subconscious, Gratitude, Relationships, Organization, Work, Belief, Ask, Boundaries, Yield.

The topic of Month 8 is WORK Life:

If work is stressing you out and making you miserable, you are honestly destroying your health. And since it’s estimated that 1/3 of your life will be spent working... you MUST take this part of your life by the horns and get real with yourself. Are you happy with your work life? Completely? If you are feeling out of alignment with the best parts of who you are at work, dreading it, resenting it, resenting people, wishing you could fly far, far away lol... Guess what. (It’s time for some classic Tara brutal real talk) You’re being a victim here, my friend...

The plan includes weekly challenges!